‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’


Image from Wikipedia.org.

Just for giggles, let’s entertain the idea that the Mayans were right and some profound universal alignment/shift/calendar moment happens on 12.21.12. And let’s say this ‘moment’ is a slice in the space-time continuum…

Headnotes (‘cuz there’s not exactly room at the end, ya know?):
*Any arbitrary-yet-precise moment we choose to anticipate (12:21:12, for example) will unfold around the world continuously for 24 hrs on 12.21.12. Twenty-four hours on the infinite edge of a portal. Hmmm…what could we do with that?

**Concept of distinguishing human time from ‘meta-time’ borrowed from the current planetarium show at the Cal Academy of Sciences. It’s about local and global seismology, digital earthquake simulations, and our planet’s geological evolution. Translation: all kinds of Nerd Heaven.

***Whoa. That was fun, huh? 😉

Here’s where I’m going with this: What if 12.21.12 (+12:21:12*) is a rupture in the fabric of spacetime, where/when we can slip into an alternate dimension of infinite possibility? As with other imagined portals, what if we could enter and exit them in an instant and never know the difference? The moment would pass in the blink of an eye, but its impact has real-world consequences (a la 1990s Contact). Our attempts to measure this phenomenon “in human time”** are incomplete, so skepticism abounds that it actually exists.

If this portal exists, we could use it to infuse Our Era—whether it’s ending or beginning—with all of the _______ we can muster. [#joylovegratitudepeace]

Why not? What have we got to lose?

‘Cause that’s the ultimate moral of the epic stories: there’s good/bad, evil/sacred, fear/courage, etcetcetc within everything and all of us, and it’s what we choose to bring forward that wins in the end.

Image from "Ramblings of a Minnesota Geek" (mngeekramblings.blogspot.com).

Boromir struggles with the intoxicating power of The Ring. *dun-dun-DUH!!!* Image found on “Ramblings of a Minnesota Geek” blog.

What if—rather than fearfully wait for what might happen when Everything Changes—we stretch our imaginations beyond what ‘makes sense’ (because there’s sure as hell plenty about this world that doesn’t make sense to me anymore) to believe in something absurdly improbable, take this once-in-multiple-millenia opportunity, and breathe regenerative light and fire into it. If we can embrace our collective, intense, white-hot destructive/creative power to dissolve bullsh*t and injustice, we could actually initiate this progressive, feminine shift that so many people are talking about.

So, why not? Why not just give it a shot, and our ‘objective,’ protesting egos be damned? (To the death of the ego–)

Are you ready to go over the edge, to stare into the depths of our wildest dreams about what’s possible and not just recapture what we’ve lost but reclaim our ability to ignite new life and purpose into a world on the brink? You’ll never know you left, but the world will never be the same. It will be better.

Hey, look: here it comes. It’s Where the Sidewalk Ends



___,On the count of one,___,___, two,___,___,thr–

[let(s) go]


New Liberalism, or Evolution of a Bleeding Heart

Evolution of a Bleeding Heart

Evolution of a Bleeding Heart

Doing something a little different today with The Word Wizard. There’s lots of radical ideas, both in the ‘awesome’ definition of the word, and the ‘whoa, that’s way too out there for me’ definition. I’m hoping that, rather than digging our heels in further, we can find some agreement on solving current problems to better the world for future generations. It starts with being honest about our own shortcomings, and the gaps in between ideology and practice.

(Check out Matthew Kalkman and New Liberalism for more info on “timeless freedom”. “Oh my gosh, he’s CANADIAN?!?” But really, it’s only moderately shocking. *Ba-dum-CH!*)

The Word Wizard! Segue

Keep your Fridays funky and fresh…and nerd out with your word out. ;D 

smurk media word wizard image

Connecting the dots ;D

Beloved by some and laughed at by all, Gob (pronounced like the Biblical ‘Job’) Bluth cemented The Segway into our cultural memories. So much so, in fact, that the common spelling of the verb has shifted. Google searchers ask, ‘Is it segway or segue?’ (And I started my search with ‘segueway.’ Eeeshk.)

For my college buds who studied Italian, check this out: ‘segue’ comes from the Italian seguire. But no matter how it’s spelled or where it comes from, the act of getting from one point to another is crucial to storytelling, and it isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

Today I’m trying to reach 10,000 total views to my blog. I’ll be re-sharing different posts on good ol’ Facebook, and I’m experimenting with different ways of segueing from post to post, connecting the train of dots that exist in my mind, but isn’t always clear to readers. Let’s see how this goes, and if you want to help out, explore some more Word Wizard cartoons by checking out the index. They’re good for a clink ‘n’ a smile 🙂

segue: v.  “to move seamlessly from one activity to another.” n. “an uninterrupted transition from one piece of music or film scene [or blog post ;D] to another.”

[Wordpress UI has changed. Serious photo uploading problems. But it’s Friday, so…@#!* it. For the real-real animation, visit Smurk’s Facebook page–and make sure to ‘Like’!]

Check out the Word Wizard index for more goofy nerdy wordy cartoons!

Definitions from 1) writingisrightforyou.com and 2) thefreedictionary.com.

Cartoons are original drawings by Stephanie Murphy.

The Word Wizard! Kerfuffle

Keep your Fridays funky and fresh…and nerd out with your word out. ;D

smurk media word wizard image



“Hey– what’s all that racket?! What are you doing causing a ruckus?”

But sometimes a ruckus is fun, especially on Fridays! There’s so much hustle and bustle anyway, what with the weekend coming ‘n all. It couldn’t hurt to ‘fluff’ the air a bit, could it? I mean, you never know what you might find…

This week’s word is one of my favorites: fun to say, fun to animate, and it brings out the kiddy giggles like no other. So I gotta ask… what kinds of kerfuffle are you koordinatin’ this weekend?

kerfuffle: n. commotion; disorder. v. to put into disorder or disarray.

kerfuffle definition smurk cartoon

Ker says, “Where are all these “pffts” coming from? Curious…”

Apparently the word kerfuffle is a “chiefly British” word. Funny, I didn’t know Brittans had chiefs… ;D

Check out the Word Wizard index for more goofy nerdy wordy cartoons!

Definition tweaked from dictionary.com.

Cartoons are original drawings by Stephanie Murphy.